What is ITC Booking?

ITC Booking is a software as a service available online through a monthly or yearly fee according to the number of users bought by the client. Every client has a separate and secure environment. ITC Booking is specialized in modeling and acting agencies or any similar workflow. It allows users to:

  • manage their contacts as well as models, talents, comedians, etc., through an agenda using multiple events like castings, options jobs, etc.,
  • send packages containing a selection of models or talents (products) to their clients in order for them to select and approve the models or talents for the next step of the project (usually a casting, an option, or a job),
  • notify both the client and the models / talents by SMS or emails about the project or the event and record their participation or their absence to it,
  • print and send the job confirmations,
  • create the invoices for the client,
  • manage the expenses of the models and talents (or products),
  • track the payments of every project.
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